Okay, I'm really sorry I have to add this to the page, but it's a sad statement on today's society that page owners need one.
This page is copyright Andrew McIntosh, 1998.
I believe everything used on here is public domain, but if something isn't, and you recognize it, please send me email informing me of this, and I'll fix it as soon as possible.
I'll spell it out. I don't own any of the characters used on this page. I don't own the television series or broadcasting rights. I just run the page.
If your network, computer, or anything remotely technologically related gets fried while you happen to be browsing any part of this page, I'm not liable.
If you lose online time, or get billed, say by-the-byte or by-the-minute and this page happens to take an excessive amount of time to load, I'll try to fix the problem, but I'm not liable to pay ANY of your bills.
I'm relieving myself now of any possible way in which somebody could sue me in relation to this page. If you don't like it, don't read it. If it's not politically correct, don't read it.
I make no guarantees about the content, but I MAY warn you about accessing content which may be harmful to younger viewers.
This isn't lawyer-approved, I'm not going to spend my cash on something I don't feel is necessary, but by viewing the page, you agree to it.

My Linking Policy:
I honestly don't care if you're linking to this page or parts of it. It works to my advantage, so why should I mind, unless you're claiming it as your own, or something like that. All you should (not have to) do is drop me a line and tell me where your page is, stuff like that, so I know who's linking.